A test blog post

Joel F's photo

1 min read

To close all tabs using JavaScript, you need to understand that JavaScript running in a web browser has very limited access to control browser tabs for security reasons. However, there are some specific scenarios where you can close tabs:

  1. Close a Tab That Your Script Opened: You can close tabs that were opened by the same script. For example:

     javascriptCopy codelet windowReference = window.open('https://www.example.com');
  2. Close the Current Tab: You can close the current tab where the script is running by using:

     javascriptCopy codewindow.close();

    This will work only if the current tab was opened by a script.

Unfortunately, due to browser security restrictions, you cannot close tabs that were not opened by your JavaScript code. This is to prevent malicious scripts from disrupting the user's browsing experience.